Friday, August 21, 2015

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tuzne ljubavne price do bola

tuzne ljubavne price do bola
Ne nedostaje? im kad ode?, nego kad vide da si krenuo dalje.
I na kraju shvati? kako je dobro ?to si imao snage. Mnogo snage da neke ljude pusti? da odu..
If I didn't care, I wouldn't have stuck around this long.
I'm a teen. I have a messy room. I spend most of my time online. I'm tired of school. I go to bed late & I'm crazy about one person.
It's awesome how you can fall in love with the person you didn't even notice at the first time you met them.
Letting go isn't about giving up, it's about accepting there are things that just can't be.
Loving someone doesnt need a reason. If you can explain why you love someone, its not called "Love"... its called "Like"
No matter what the world takes away from you, it can never take your dream away.
Real men stay faithful. They don't have time to look for other women, because they are too busy loving the one they have.

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desanka maksimovic ljubavne pesme

desanka maksimovic ljubavne pesme
Jesam ?ensko, al ne zna?i da, da ne vozim kao Schumacher. :D
Dragi momci, budite onaj tip mu?karca kakvog ?elite da dobije i va?a ?erka.. jednog dana. :)
If I didn't care, I wouldn't get mad.
I'm a sucker for the "I miss you" message...
It's amazing what people do for love, and it's even more amazing what love does to people.
Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means moving on.
Loving him wasn't a mistake, but thinking that he loved me was.
No matter what I'm doing, in some way shape or form, you're always #onmymind
Real men stay faithful. They don't have time to look for another woman, because they're too busy looking for new ways to love their own.

ljubavne rodjendanske cestitke

ljubavne rodjendanske cestitke

ljubavne rodjendanske cestitke
Kad ne mo?e? da ga do?eka?, a on ni ne zna da treba da do?e.
Mogla je imati mnoge mu?karce, ali nije, jer eto, htela je samo njega, a njega su sve imale.
If I didn't care about you, I wouldn't get so mad at the things you do.
I'm a sucker for the "I miss you" message.
It's amazing what a girl will put up with for the boy she likes.
Letting go doesn't mean giving up, it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.
Loving him wasn't a mistake, but thinking that he loved me back was.
No matter what I do, I always forget to forget you.
Real men stay dedicated to one girl.

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tuzne ljubavne price o rastanku

tuzne ljubavne price o rastanku
Ne?u ti re?i da ne mogu ?iveti bez tebe. Mogu, ali ne ?elim.
Najgori su pusti snovi. To su oni koji neprestano sanjate, a i sami znate da se ne?e desiti.
If I could live my life all over again, I'd make sure I met you sooner so we could be in love longer.
I'm a simple person who hides a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile.
It's amazing how stupid you can be when you're in love.
Let's pretend love is like water. We can fall in it, we can drown in it, and we can't live without it.
Love's greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches sacred.
No matter how strong of a person you are, there's always someone who can make you weak.
Real men open doors <3

ljubavne slike za dobro jutro

ljubavne slike za dobro jutro

ljubavne slike za dobro jutro
Jo? mi ni poruku nije poslao, ja ve? smi?ljam imena dece. :P
Ne treba da se toliko moli? Bogu da te ?uva? Sve mi se ?ini da je meni udijelio taj zadatak.
If I choose you over sleep.. You must be pretty special to me
I'm a person, not a game. so don't play me.
It's amazing how someone can turn a very bad day into the best day of your life.
Let's kiss and cuddle.
Love yourself. Love your day. Love your life.
No matter how strong of a person you are, there's always someone who can make you weak
Real men don't hit their girlfriends.

ljubavne poruke dana

ljubavne poruke dana

ljubavne poruke dana
Zaljubila sam se u njegov osmijeh, bar hiljadu puta do sada.
I iznenadno. U pono?. Dobije? poruku "Mrzim te." Pa shvati? da pati. Da te voli. Da si kriv.
If I choose you over sleep, you must be very special.
I'm a lover, not a fighter; but I'll fight for the one I love.
It's amazing how one little conversation can change things, forever
Let's just kiss and cuddle and forget about the world.
Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.
No matter how strong a girl is, she always has a breaking point.
Real men always have time for their girl. No matter what, even if he's busy, he'll find a way to make time for her.

ljubavne animacije

ljubavne animacije

ljubavne animacije
Nemam ja problem s povjerenjem, nego imam iskustva s la?ima.
Znas moje ime , ali ne i moju pricu . Cuo si sta sam uradio , ali ne i kroz sta sam prosao.
If I choose you over sleep than you must be really special.
I'm a girl... don't touch my hair, face, phone, or boyfriend.
Its amazing how one little conversation can change things forever.
Let's flip a coin. Heads, I'm yours. Tails, you're mine.
Love your life and fight for what you love.
No matter how much you care about someone, sometimes it's just not meant to be.
Real love means more than beautiful words.

ljubavne poezije

ljubavne poezije

ljubavne poezije
Nikada ali nikada ne tr?i za nekim, ko je sre?an i bez tebe.
Nije istina da sam jak. Razbijem se na hiljade komadi?a, samo sam nau?io da ne pravim buku.
If I can't get your all, then I'd rather walk away with nothing.
Iloveyou; I wrote it with no spaces so there's no room for anyone else.
It's amazing how a person who was once just a stranger, can suddenly mean the world to you.
Let's find love in a hopeless place.
Love without fear, trust without question, need without demand, want without restriction and desire without inhibition.
No matter how many times u tell urself that u hate him deep down he's the only person u love
Real love means keeping promises...

ljubavne slike s porukom

ljubavne slike s porukom

ljubavne slike s porukom
Ima li te?eg tereta od poku?aja da prati? i srce i savest?
Postoje trenuci koje si prije jedva cekao da se dogode, a sada jedva cekas da ih zaboravis.
If I call you "babe", you're mine!
Iloveyou. I wrote it with no spaces so there's no room for anyone else.
It's always the same shit with you.
Let's cuddle and watch movies together.
Love when you're ready, not when you're lonely...
No matter how many times I say I don't care, I do.
Real love is knowing someones weaknesses and not taking advantage of them. Knowing their flaws & accepting them.

ljubavne recenice

ljubavne recenice

ljubavne recenice
Razumeju snovi, ali ne i ljudi. Sre?om, snovi su mi bitniji.
Pravila se da joj je svejedno , a svaki put kad je pro?la pored njega , vri?tala je u sebi.
If he's the right guy, he won't leave.
Iloveyou. And yes, I wrote it with no spaces so there's no room for anyone else.
It's always nice to have someone in your life that makes you smile even when they're not around.
Let's crawl under a big blanket and watch movies all night.
Love when you're ready, not when you're lonely.
No matter how mad I am, all you need to do is smile and wink at me and I would just melt.
real love has no lies

ljubavne poruke za njega nedostajes mi

ljubavne poruke za njega nedostajes mi

ljubavne poruke za njega nedostajes mi
Lete godine, sretan im put al' zauvek ostaje nas prvi put..
Karakter se ogleda u tome kako se pona?a? prema ljudima koji ne mogu u?initi ni?ta za tebe.
If he's honest, keep him. You may learn good and bad truths, but it's better than lies.
I'll walk away and he won't even notice. Why? Because he never saw me standing there in the first place.
It's all fun and games until one falls in love.
Let's be weird together.
Love what is ahead by embracing what came before.
No matter how hard we try to fight it, we always return to our true nature. Accept yourself for who you are, no one else.
Real girls stay. Hoes come and go. Little boys play around. Real men settle down.

ljubavne cestitke

ljubavne cestitke

ljubavne cestitke
Dugo se pretvaramo da smo jaki, pa onda puknemo na sitnicu.
Onima ?to se hrane mojim suzama, upozorenje! ?eka vas jedno dugo razdoblje nesta?ice hrane.
If he were a cactus, I'd endure all pain just to hug him.
I'll stay as long as you don't push me away.
It will always be you..
Let your past make you better, not bitter.
Love was just a word till I heard it from you.
No matter how hard I try, you just don't recognize how hard I try for you.
Real girlfriend will be on your ass, text you everyday, fight with you, cares about you, listens to you, and loves you like no hoe has.

ljubavne poruke za curu

ljubavne poruke za curu

ljubavne poruke za curu
Postoji osoba sa kojom pri?ate i kad vam se dese lo?i dani.
Nikad nemoj odustati od cilja jer je za njega potrebno puno vremena. Vreme ?e ionako pro?i.
If he really loves you, he'll make sure you know. Not just by words, but by actions.
I'll never be able to end my explanation. There are far more things that I love about you than you think.
It wasnt the right time but if I had the chance again I would make it right <3
Let love come to you, be patient. In fairy tales they don't find each other until the last page :)
Love waits for one thing... the right moment.
No matter how BUSY a person day might be. if they REALLY CARE, they'll always find TIME for you.
Real girlfriend will be on your ass, text you everyday, fight with you, cares about you, listens to you, and loves you like no girl has.

ljubavni citati iz pesama

ljubavni citati iz pesama

ljubavni citati iz pesama
Ti si razlog zbog kojeg niko drugi ne mo?e da bude razlog.
Sme?no je to. Po tvojim re?ima bila sam jedina osoba koja te razume, bila sam ti najbolja.
If he misses you, he'll call. If he wants you, he'll say it. And if he cares, he'll show it.
I'll ignore every one of them because I only want you.
It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to love someone, but a lifetime to forget someone.
let her fall asleep in your arms.
Love turns the other cheek.
No matter how angry you get, you always end up forgiving the people you love.
REAL feelings don't just go away.

ljubavni citati za curu

ljubavni citati za curu

ljubavni citati za curu
Ko se bogati na tu?im suzama, nikada ne?e plakati od sre?e!
Prestala sam da dajem objasnjenja, jer ljudi i onako shvataju samo ono sto njima odgovara.
If he loves you, he will make sure you know... not just by words, but by action too.
I'll help you out anytime.
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime to forget someone
Less than a relationship, but more than friends. Story of my life.
Love the person who saw you when you were invisible.
No matter how angry I get, I always end up forgiving you.
Real boyfriends stand by their girls on good days, and stand even closer on bad days, no matter what.

ljubavni citati slike

ljubavni citati slike

ljubavni citati slike
Ma kakva Julija, ma kakav Romeo.. Niko se nije tako volio.
Jednom u ?ivotu sretne? nekoga koga ne mo?e? porediti ni sa jednom drugom osobom na svetu.
If he loves you he will make sure you know. Not just by words, but by his actions too.
I'll get over you when forever ends.
It sucks when you're ignored by the one person whose attention means the world to you.
Learn to appreciate what you have, before time makes you appreciate what you had.
Love the blessings from God, especially if it's raining on someone else.
No matter how "busy" a person's day may be. If they "really care", they'll always find time for you.
REAL BOYFRIEND: calls you for NOTHING, texts you all the time, wants to see you, cries, gets jealous, over protective & loves you.

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I zna?, sad posle svega, ?udno je ne ose?ati ba? ni?ta. :)
Emocionalno, zavr?ila sam. Psihi?ki, umorna sam. Du?evno, umrla sam. Fizi?ki - smejem se.
If he gives you butterflies don't let him go.
I'll always have feelings for you
It sucks when people don't realize how much you care about them.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Love sometimes comes like a dream and leaves like a nightmare.
No matter how "busy" a person is, if they care they will always find time for you.
Reading through old texts and wishing that person was still in your life.

ljubavne bajalice

ljubavne bajalice

ljubavne bajalice
Jer to ?to imali smo mi, ne prolazi, samo s jednim zbogom.
Zaboravim na tebe ali zabolis me s vremena na vreme. Cisto da podsetis da si jos uvek tu.
If fear didn't exist, I'd run up to you, kiss you and tell you that I love you.
I'll always care about you.
It scares me how much I think about you.
Laughter can hide a multitude of pain. A smile can mask the scars inflicted by others
Love someone not because they give you what you need. Love them because the way they are.
No good man can ever be stolen, unless he wants to.
Reading through old texts and thinking how stupid you sounded.

ljubavne poruke slike

ljubavne poruke slike

ljubavne poruke slike
Najgore je kad nema? snage da ode?,a ni razlog da ostane?
Gde su se sakrili svi mu?karci verni, iskreni? Za?to mi uvek prilaze oni ?to re?i pogaze?
If days were mine, I'd turn them into seconds, so I could spend a lifetime with you.
Ignoring the world when your crush is texting you.
It pains me to say it, but I'll just keep giving you these endless chances and you'll keep taking them and I'll keep breaking.
Laugh when you can, Apologize when you should and let go of what you can't change.
Love reveals the secrets life hides from us.
No girl wants to hear about your "other girls"
Reading old messages and wondering where it all went wrong.

ljubavne poruke za novu godinu

ljubavne poruke za novu godinu

ljubavne poruke za novu godinu
Velika je razlika izme?u osmeha na licu i osmeha na srcu.
''Ako me do sada nisi shvatio i cenio, ne?e? nikada. I sigurna sam, takav mi ne treba?.''
If another girl steals your man, there's no better revenge than letting her keep him. Real men can't be stolen.
If you're willing to chase me,
It only takes a second to break trust, but it may take a life time to regain it.
Late night texts with the person you love...
Love never leaves, people do.
No camera could ever catch, the look in her eyes when she see's him...
Reading old messages and realizing how much you miss that person.

ljubavne poruke za daljinu

ljubavne poruke za daljinu

ljubavne poruke za daljinu
Ne pla?i? se jer misli? da me voli?. Pla?i? se jer zna?.
A borila se, nemoj re?i da nije. Jo? uvek bi se trudila da zna da ima nade. Ali je nema..
If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
If you're truly meant to be together, life will find a way to make it happen.
It might be over but I still love you <3
Late night texts with the person you love. >
Love needs no proof, all it needs is a hand to hold in difficult times and the ability to make your loved one smile.
No boyfriend, no problems.
R.I.P to the feelings that I had for you.

ljubavne rime

ljubavne rime

ljubavne rime
Najlep?i ose?aj je kad nasmeje? devojku koja ti se svi?a
Ne mo?e? nikad da bude? lo? prema meni, onoliko koliko ja mogu da budem dobar prema tebi.
If a guy won't make you his official girl, then you're not his only girl.
If you're torn between staying and going, go. If you were meant to stay, you wouldn't be thinking about going.
It means everything when you message me first.
Late night texts with the person you love >
Love must be felt and demonstrated, not said and professed.
No boyfriend, no problem.
Putting your love, trust, and understanding to each other little by little, day by day is the perfect recipe for a stronger relationship.

ljubavne scene

ljubavne scene

ljubavne scene
Ljudi mogu hodati pored tebe, ali ne mogu hodati za tebe
Nas dvoje zajedno miri?emo na haos, sva?e i ve?ite nemire. Ali, ne bih te menjao. Nikada.
If a guy gets jealous over every guy you talk to, you should find it cute, not insulting.
If you're somebody's second choice, then they're not good enough to be your first.
It may be difficult right now, but in the end, we'll find a way.
Late night texts >
Love means that I know your deepest secrets and do not judge you for them asking in return only that you do not judge me for mine.
no boyfriend, just Twitter
Purposely holding your feelings back because you know it's for the best.

ljubavne poruke za nju volim te

ljubavne poruke za nju volim te

ljubavne poruke za nju volim te
Danas zaboravi pro?lost, oprosti sebi i kreni ispo?etka.
Ne razmi?ljaj o onom ?ega nema?. Razmi?ljaj o tome ?to mo?e? u?initi s onim ?to ima?. :)
If a girl texts you first, you better feel special.
If you're single, make the best of it. It's not because you're not good enough for anyone, but it means no one is good enough for you yet.
It just sucks because I fell for you & you weren't there to catch me.
Late night texting >>>
Love means staying even if everything in you screams run.
No amount of tweets can truly be enough to thank everyone who has served or will serve this country. #HappyMemorialDay
Prove to me that you care.

ljubavna magija rituali

ljubavna magija rituali

ljubavna magija rituali
Mu?ko si,zajebat ?e?, al' pazi,?ensko sam,najebat ?e? ..
?Po?ele su ki?e. Tebe nema. Sama sam. Moja se?anja i ja. Ali mo?e se nekako i bez tebe.?
If a girl relates you to a Taylor Swift song, chances are, you screwed up.
If you're not working on trying to be mine -then you shouldn't be worrying about who's consuming my spare time
It is never too late to make things right.
LADIES: all MEN are not the same, but all BOYS are.
Love means letting go of our fears, prejudices, egos, and conditions
Nice lips... can I kiss them?
Protect your girlfriend like your daughter, love her like a wife, respect her like your mother.

ljubavne misli

ljubavne misli

ljubavne misli
Boli nas oboje na? rastanak.. Mene srce, tebe ona stvar.
Nemojte biti naivni. Ne?ija dela i samo dela re?i ?e vam sve o ?oveku. Re?i sipa svako.
Zastani na trenutak i samo udahni.udahni i shvati koliko si sretna.On ti nije potreban da jeste nebi disala, a da je tako idealan, bio bi tu
If a girl leans toward you, kiss her. If her hand is free, hold it. If she's upset, hug her until she is okay. We love it.
If you're not my pencil to write my HAPPINESS, at least be my eraser to remove my SADNESS.
It is better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of pride
Ladies, if he takes time to argue with you, he cares about you more than you think.
Love me, I dare you. You won't regret it.
next to you.. thats the only place i want to be.
Protect her, fight for her, kiss her, love her, hold her, laugh with her. But don't make her fall if you don't plan to catch her.

ljubavne fotografije

ljubavne fotografije

ljubavne fotografije
Kad smo po?eli dopu?tati da drugi diktiraju na?oj sre?i?
Devojkama je najvi?e potrebna pa?nja. To je ono ?to najmanje tra?e, a najvi?e im zna?i.
Pri?a?e? ti jos o meni pri?a?u i ja o tebi,kako je sve moglo da bude bolje samo da smo na prvo mesto stavili nas,a ne mi?ljenja drugih ljudi
If a girl cries over a guy, it's normal. When a guy cries over a girl, you know he loves her more than anyone else.
If you're not madly in love well there's no point of being in love at all
It is better to let someone walk away from you rather than all over you.
LADIES realize that IF YOU HAVE TO have SEX to keep him, then honestly you don't need him.
Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.
Next to you, that's where I want to be.
Protect her like your daughter. Love her like your wife. Respect her like your mother.

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ljubavne price sretne

ljubavne price sretne
Nedostaje?, ali nedostajale su i druge pa sam pre?iveo.
Kada iz vlastitog iskustva saznate ?ta zna?i u?as, naoru?ani ste protiv svega u ?ivotu.
Nije trebalo nikada da se sretnu,da se dopadnu jedno drugom.I po temperamentu i po karakteru bili su totalne suprotnosti.Ipak,zavoleli su se
If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has. Don't take her for granted.
If you're not happy being single, you will never be happy in a relationship. Love when you're ready, not when you're lonely.
It is amazing what you can do when you try.
l wish you would just swallow your pride for once and admit that you really miss me.
Love me until I die, and I'll meet you on the other side.
New you, old you, I love you just the same
Protect her like your daughter, love her like a wife & respect her like your mother.

ljubavne pjesme za curu

ljubavne pjesme za curu

ljubavne pjesme za curu
Prekasno shvatimo da se izgubljeno vi?e ne?e vratiti...
Da ?ivim sto godina nikad ne?u shvatiti ljude koji su puni sebe, a nemaju za?to biti.
Kad pogledam unazad jedina stvar zbog koje se zbog koje najvi?e ?alim,je ta ?to nisam uspela da poka?em ljubav onima koje sam najvi?e volela
If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has. Don't take her for granted!
If you're mine, you're only mine. I don't share.
It is always hard to understand these three things: when is the time to let things go, which things to let go and how to let them go.
l turned out liking you more than l originally planned.
Love me or Leave me. #PickYourTeam
NEVER use someone just to move on from an old relationship.
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.

ljubavne cini

ljubavne cini

ljubavne cini
Zna?, stalo mi je. Ali se uporno pona?am kao da nije...
Nije ni prva ni zadnja koju ?e? imati. Ali jeste prva i poslednja koju ?u tako voleti.
Ne ona ti ne?e priznati da joj fali? i da ne mo?e bez tebe.Ona ?e se samo pretvarati da joj nije stalo,bi?e potpuno hladna al iznutra vri?ti
If a boy really likes u, he doesn't care how tired he is, how much homework he has or how late it is. he'll talk to u.
If you're mine, you're only mine. I don't like sharing.
It is always good to keep an ear open for a friend in need. You may be the only person they can talk to for help.
l like seeing your smile.
Love me or leave me alone, ain't no in between.
Never underestimate yourself or what God can do in your life.
Promises get broken as quickly as they are made these days.

ljubavne stihove

ljubavne stihove

ljubavne stihove
Mo?e? voleti mnogo osoba, ali samo jednu voli? najvi?e.
Ono ?to zna? o meni je ni?ta. Predla?em da tako i ostane. Ne zbog mene, ve? zbog tebe!
?ena mo?e da zavede mu?karca koji ima ?enu. Mo?e da zavede i onoga koji ima ljubavnicu. Ali ne mo?e da zavede ?oveka koji ima ?enu koju voli
I still get jealous when it comes to you.
If you're mine, you're mine. I'm not sharing you with anyone else.
It has always been you, and it will always be you.
Know respect, know love. No respect, no love.
Love me or hate me, either way I'm always on your mind
Never tell a girl that she is useless in anyway.
Promises are like babies. Fun to make but hard to deliver.

ljubavne pesme tekst

ljubavne pesme tekst

ljubavne pesme tekst
Svako vidi kako izgleda?, ali ih malo zna ono ?to jesi.
Nije va?an onaj ko te povredio i slomio, va?an je onaj ko je u?inio da se opet smeje?.
Zaboravio si,sve. I ja sam, samo ponekad se prisetim onih lepih trenutaka s tobom i pitam se: ?Sto bi bilo da smo..? Glupost. Nista bi bilo
I still get butterflies, even though I've seen you hundreds of times.
If you're lucky enough to get a second chance at something, don't waste it.
It has always been you, and it will always be you
Kissing someone you really like >
Love me now, love me never, but if you love me, love me forever.
never settle for the answer if you still wanna know
Problems never absent in life. If you can't manage your perspective, you'll never enjoy your life.

najlepse ljubavne poruke za nju

najlepse ljubavne poruke za nju

najlepse ljubavne poruke za nju
Meni kad krene u zivotu,toliko krene,da krene bez mene.
Ja nemam dva srca, jedno za ljubav, drugo za mrznju. Ovo koje imam zna samo za tugu...
Opet si ovde ?ita? sve te citate ponovo,tra?i? one savr?ene koji odgovaraju tvojoj situaciji,a uvek ima? na umu samo 1 osobu dok ih ?ita?..
I still get butterflies whenever I see you.
If you're in a relationship, one tip for you: No matter how fed up and carried away you are in a FIGHT, never ever suggest a BREAK-UP!
It happened for a reason. God knows what he's doing so don't question it.
Kissing a girl on the forehead is one of the sweetest things in the world.
Love me for who I am, not who you thought I was.
Never settle for being someone's other when you have the potential to be someone's only.
Posting lyrics on your status hoping that one person will read them and get the hint...

ljubavni citati i izreke

ljubavni citati i izreke

ljubavni citati i izreke
I samo gledaj kako te s drugim ja lako zaboravljam.mp3
Moja najbolja vrlina je da se smejem i zajebavam dok mi se srce unutra jebeno raspada.
Glupo je ?to mi nedostaje neko s kim se nisam ?ak ni slagao. Ali, ne znam, bilo je, zna?, lepo imati nekog s kim uvek mo?e? da se posva?a?.
I still care, i'm just done showing it.
If you're gonna play one worded texts with me, don't text me at all.
It goes from "babe" to "b***h", "I love you" to "I hate you", "I need you" to "f you" , "you're my everything" to "you're nothing"
Kisses express feelings to others that words can't.
Love me for who I am, not what I have.
Never settle for being someone's "OTHER" when you know you have the potential to be someone's "ONLY".
Pls retweet my last tweet. A little girl needs our prayers. Let #KaylenFuentez know we care.

ljubavni citati iz pjesama

ljubavni citati iz pjesama

ljubavni citati iz pjesama
??ovek najvi?e misli na onoga koga ?eli da zaboravi..?
Tako te ponekad ostave i ose?a? se kao da si sam na svetu, a ko zna za?to je to dobro.
daljina nas deli,a ljubav nas spaja,tako mi je tesko bez tvog zagrljaja,daljina nas deli,a samoca boli,sve je ipak tesko kad se neko voli.
I still believe in love....I just have a hard time believing in people.
If you're going to truly love someone, then love them with everything you have.
It gets worse before it gets better.
Kiss on the Forehead >
Love me for a second, and I will make that second last a lifetime.
Never say you don't love them when you can't let go.
Please stop looking so attractive, I'm trying to stop liking you.

ljubavni stihovi citati

ljubavni stihovi citati

ljubavni stihovi citati
Bilo pa proslo ... Oboje znamo da se ponoviti nece ...
Zna? koja vrijedi? Ona koja te je osvojila osmijehom ili o?ima, sve ostalo je povr?no.
Za?to smo plakali zbog nekih osoba obi?no shvatimo kasno tek kad za njima ispla?emo more suza shvatimo da nisu bili vredni niti jedne suze
I smile because I'm always thinking of you.
If you're going to tell someone you love them, then you better live up to those words cause love needs to be shown, not said.
It feels so right when I say "I love you," but it's so wrong when you don't say it back.
Kiss on the Cheek >
Love may not happen in the way you WANT, but it could happen in the way you NEED.
never say you don't love him if you can't let him go...
Please stop being cute. It's distracting.

lepe ljubavne poruke

lepe ljubavne poruke

lepe ljubavne poruke
Ponekad 15 minuta u?ini savr?enim 23 sata i 45 minuta.
Volite ga i pustite ga da vas voli. Zar mislite da je i?ta drugo na svetu imalo va?no?
Znam da ne treba odustajati nikada. Ali eto ja sam odustala od tebe. Ne sto sam htela, nego sto sam morala. Tvoje ponasanje me je ubijalo.
I should've kissed you.
If you're giving your all and your all isn't enough, you're giving it to the wrong person.
It feels like everyone else is sitting in the sunshine, while I drown in the rain"
Kiss on Shoulder = I want you. Kiss on the Lips = I love you. Kiss on the Forehead = I hope we're together forever
Love many, trust few.
Never say goodbye when you still want to try.
Please hug me really tight and tell me you love me. Tell me you're glad to be here with me.

ljubavne pjesme za nju

ljubavne pjesme za nju

ljubavne pjesme za nju
Mo?e li se ikada zaboraviti ono ?to se jednom ljubilo?
Nijedan mu?karac ne mo?e povrediti ?enu kao ?to to mo?e njena najbolja prijateljica..
Nekada bih plakala, mislila da je kraj sveta kada me razo?araju. Sada samo odmahnem rukom i krenem dalje. Nemam vi?e vremena za gubljenje.
I shouldn't be jealous. You aren't even mine.
If you're brave enough to say "Goodbye", life will reward you with a new "Hello".
it doesn't matter how long you've known her. if she's kept you smiling since day one, don't lose her.
Kiss me quick, but make it last.
Love makes you hold on to things you shouldn't.
Never rekindle an old love no matter how strong it was, because it's like reading the same book...u already know its end.
Please give me a chance to prove to you that I'll be the best decision you'll ever make.

ljubavne poruke sa slikom

ljubavne poruke sa slikom

ljubavne poruke sa slikom
Seen rije? od 4 slova zbog koje ti sko?i tlak! HAHAHAH
?Ja sam na?u pri?u ispri?ala. Vi?e nas nema. Ustvari, da li smo ikada i postojali ??
San svake devoj?ice je da postane odrasla ?ena. Ne znaju?i, da je san svake ?ene da na?e mu?karca, sa kojim ?e postati i ostati devoj?ica.
I should stop getting so attatched to people.
If your relationship has more issues than your magazine, you need to cancel your subscription.
It doesn't matter how long you've known her. If she kept you smiling since day one, don't lose her.
Kiss me like you need me.
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the soul.
Never regret what made you smile. Just learn from the tears that followed.
Please don't fall for someone else.

ljubavne slike s porukama

ljubavne slike s porukama

ljubavne slike s porukama
Ti ne vidi? nikog, osim njega. On vidi sve, osim tebe.
?Mislila sam da bih mogla, da verujem ti svaku re?, jo? se se?am svega sto si rekao??
Kad sam bila mala nije mi bilo bitno kako sam se obla?ila, jer me mama obla?ila. Sad gledam svoje slike, vidim da ni njoj nije bilo bitno
I should stop getting so attached to people.
If your girlfriend has Taylor Swift lyrics as her status you're either doing something very right, or very wrong
It doesn't matter how long its been, you'll always have the same effect on me as when we first met.
Kiss me like you miss me.
Love knows no limits; it's timeless, spaceless, formless, unshakable and unbreakable.
Never regret something that once made you smile. #BADDECISION
Play me like a joke and I will leave you like its funny.

ljubavne pjesme stihovi

ljubavne pjesme stihovi

ljubavne pjesme stihovi
Od tu?ne si stvorio sre?nu ?enu. To je vredelo ?ekati.
Svi smo mi an?eli s jednim krilom. Leteti mo?emo samo tako da zagrlimo jedan drugoga.
Jedna od najve?ih ?enskih gre?aka jeste ?ekanje onoga koji je ne zaslu?uje i davanje mu?karcu do znanja da mo?e da je ima kad god po?eli.
I should say this more...."I Love You"
If you won't treat her right, don't be mad when someone else does
Ironic how the person you'd take a bullet for sometimes ends up being the one behind the gun.
Kiss but never love, listen but never believe & leave before you're left.
Love isn't just how much you tell somebody you "love" them. its a matter of how far the extremes are that you would go to for this person.
Never regret something that once made you smile.
Person is typing... Person is typing... Person is typing... Person is typing... Person is typing... Person is typing... Person says: hi

ljubavne slike volim te

ljubavne slike volim te

ljubavne slike volim te
Kad daljina nije u ljudima, kilometri su samo brojevi.
Nije va?no koliko dana ima u tvom ?ivotu, va?no je koliko ?ivota ima u tvojim danima.
Voli me sad, ne dozvoli da budem ne?ija druga. Ne dozvoli vremenu da u?ini da sve zaboravim. Ne ?ekaj prave momente, ne hvataj prilike.
i seriously just wanna cuddle up and watch an old disney movie with hot chocolate and ignore life and everyone and everything
If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in Love.
Instantly smiling when the person you wanted to text you, texts you
Keep your heels, head and standards high.
Love isn't hard to find, trust is.
Never regret something that once made you happy.
Perfect Relationship = Two people never giving up on each other.

ljubavni vicevi

ljubavni vicevi

ljubavni vicevi
Ja pola ovi sranja nisam ni rekao. - ?or?e Bala?evi?.
Ono ?to nas najvi?e zezne u ?ivotu je na?a slika o tome kako je ne?to trebalo biti.
Tamo gde smo onoga dana stali, ostao je njegov ponos, moj inat, prokockana ?ansa i jedno obe?anje. Imali smo sve, a izabrali smo ni?ta.
I seriously can't stop thinking about you..
If you want to keep her forever, treat her well.
Inhale love, exhale hate.
Keep in mind that I would never judge you for any of your imperfections, they simply make me love you more.
Love isn't complicated, people are.
Never regret anything. Everything happens for a reason.
Perfect guy is not the one who has more money or the most handsome one you'll met. Its the one who knows how to makes you smile everyday.

ljubavne balade

ljubavne balade

ljubavne balade
Nedostaje? mi. Ali nikad dovoljno da ti oprostim sve.
?ivot me je nau?io da budem skromna, da nije va?no ?ta imam ve? koga imam pored sebe.
Setit ?e? se ti mene i mojih suza, mog la?nog osmeha, ali tada ?e da postoji neko ko ?e znati da me voli onakvu kakva ja zaista jesam!
I seriously can't stop thinking about you.
If you want to be trusted, be honest. If you want to be honest, be true. If you want be true, be yourself.
In the end... love is the only thing that counts. It's stronger than death.
Keep calm and stay strong.
Love isn't always the first kiss where your knees go weak or the date where everything goes perfect. Sometimes love is unexpected.
Never put yourself in a situation, where you are not sure of where you stand in a person's life.
People will choose to blame their circumstances on fate or bad luck. Very few will admit it's mainly the choices they have made.

ljubavne izjave

ljubavne izjave

ljubavne izjave
Najgora kombinacija su slomljeno srce i lepo se?anje.
Nema tu nikakve filozofije, jednostavno je. Koliko voli?, toliko ?e? se i ?rtvovati.
Prstima opipavam telefon u d?epu. Mogao bi barem da me pozove. To i nije tako te?ko, zar ne? Da s vremena na vreme jednostavno pozove.
I say "i don't know" to everything when I'm in a bad mood.
If you want to be trusted, be honest.
In the end, what matters most is how well you lived, how well you loved, and how well you learned to let go.
Just thinking about you, makes me smile.
Love isn't about luck, its about being with the right person.
Never play with someone's feelings just because you're unsure of your own.
People who are meant to be together will find their way back to each other. They may take detours, but they're never lost.

ljubavne price volim te

ljubavne price volim te

ljubavne price volim te
Zauvek ne postoji, ali postoje ljudi koji su za uvek.
Nikad nemoj odustati od nekoga ako ne mo?e pro?i ni dan, a da ne pomisli? na njega.
Rekla je: ?Daj mi ?ifru od fejsa ili raskidamo? - I ja joj dam ?ifru, mo?da je ljubomorna. Kad ono riba lajkuje sama sebi statuse. :D
I said I love you and you said it too, the only difference was that I didn't lie to you.
If you want me, fight for me
In order to find a good guy you have to stop letting all the bad ones treat you like shit.
Just take a deep breathe. It's just a bad day. Not a bad life.
Love isn't about being sexually attracted. That's lust. It's about actually caring about someone
Never mistake sex for love.
People who are meant to be together will always find their way back..

ljubavne pesme za njega

ljubavne pesme za njega

ljubavne pesme za njega
I mrzim ?to nisi uz mene onda kada mi najvi?e treba?.
Voleo me, sigurna sam, ali na svoj na?in. I ja sam njega, ali na sve mogu?e na?ine.
Bori se za nju, za?titi je, poljubi je, voli je. Ali nikad nemoj dopustiti da se zaljubi u tebe, ako nisi spreman da ostane? sa njom!
I respect those that tell me the truth, no matter how hard it is.
If you want me to trust you, just be real and honest.
In every girl's life, there's is a boy she'll never forget. In every boy's life, there's a girl he can never get.
Just seeing your smile makes me feel better inside.
Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
Never love anybody who treats you like you're ordinary.
People that are meant to be together always find their way in the end.

ljubavne ispovesti

ljubavne ispovesti

ljubavne ispovesti
?ena sve vidi. Ako ne vidi ona, vidi njena drugarica.
A ?ena, koliko god jaka bila, treba nekog ja?eg, ili barem nekoga ko izgleda ja?i.
Svaka ?ena ima po jednu, prvu ljubav, za uspomenu i dugo sje?anje, za kajanje i uzdisanje, za bolje razumijevanje poezije i muzike.
I really wish you would just swallow your pride for once and admit that you really do miss me.
If you want me in your life, put me there. I shouldn't be fighting for a spot.
In a long lasting relationship, honesty and trust must exist.
Just remember, I was there when no one else was.
Love is willing to look past the past, look toward the future, and live in the present.
Never look back. If Cinderella went back to pick up her shoe, she wouldn't have become a princess.
People tend to confuse "Love" with Lust.

ljubavne slike za fb

ljubavne slike za fb

ljubavne slike za fb
Dok ima? nekog ko te voli, nije ti va?no ko te mrzi.
Volim one slu?ajne uspomene koje me uvek nasmeju, bez obzira kroz ?ta sad prolazim.
S tobom ni posmatranje zvezda nije bilo obi?no. Volela sam tu na?u ?utnju pod zvezdama. Volela sam i tebe, ali kome je sad to bitno?
I really wish there was something that I could do to make you fall in love with me.
If you want me in your life, put me there. I should not have to fight for a spot.
In a few months, I'll probably laugh at myself for caring so much.
Just remember you don't know what I've been through.
Love is why I came here in the first place.
Never lie to someone who trusts you, and never trust someone who lies to you.
People say everything happens for a reason, but they never said it was a good reason.

ljubavni stihovi za laku noc

ljubavni stihovi za laku noc

ljubavni stihovi za laku noc
Oni koji znaju da ?ute su najopasniji kad progovore.
A ne bi toliko vremena proveo pri?aju?i sa mnom da ti ni?ta nisam zna?ila, zar ne?
Ja sam neko sasvim obi?an, manje bitan. Samo jedna mala du?a na ovome svetu, ali opet, ja sam neko ko je ceo svoj svet video u tebi.
I really want you to really want me.
If you truly love someone, you want them to be happy. Even if its not with you.
Immature love says: "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love you."
Just one text from you would change my whole mood.
Love is when you're having the worst day, but when you look at them all the pain goes away.
Never let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present.
People only get jealous when they care.