Friday, August 21, 2015

ljubavni citati tumblr

ljubavni citati tumblr

ljubavni citati tumblr
Najteza je Bozija kazna kad ostanes sam.
Svako ima svoju priču, i svako je prošao kroz nešto što ga je promenilo.
Žene su daleko opasnije od muškaraca. Muškarci bi samo da se sklone, da pobegnu, žene bi nešto što se zove osveta.
I miss you a lot, you don't even know.
If you can't stay faithful, stay single.
I'm not sure if it's pride or fear of rejection, but I hate admitting my feelings.
It's the little things that sometimes end up meaning the most.
Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.
My favorite place in the world is next to you.
Once in a while you come across that one person who changes your life forever.

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