ljubavni citati
Friday, August 21, 2015
ljubavni citati
ljubavni citati
Svoje nemam, tuđe neću
Pitaju me ponekad za tebe,lažem da uspomene više ne postoje..
Trudim se da budem zauzeta celi dan i vreme prolazi. Ali kad' padne noć, stvarno mi nedostaješ.
I love you for all the right things you've done and for the few things you've done wrong.
If I forgive you once, don't mess up twice.
I'm afraid if someone else catches your attention, you'll ignore me, maybe even worse.... replace me
It's better to let go with a smile than to hold on with a tear.
Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.
Loving someone that doesn't love you is like reaching for a star. You know you'll never reach it, but you just got to keep trying.
No one ever seems to be scared of losing me.
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