istinite price o ljubavi

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istinite price o ljubavi

istinite price o ljubavi
Sve dodje u pravo vreme onome ko zna da ceka
Voleti nekoga, a ne biti s njim, isto je kao biti kažnen, a ne biti kriv..
Nikad ne treba žaliti što si upoznao neku osobu jer dobre osobe daruju ti sreću, loše ti daju iskustvo, a zle lekciju.
I need a break from my own thoughts.
If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.
I'm sick of checking my phone and not seeing your name...
I've lost hope that there's never gonna be an us, anymore.
Love is not how much and how loud or how many times you say I love you. But it is how you can prove that you do.
My stomach drops when I think about you being with someone else.
One friend can change your whole life.

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