ljubavne price volim te

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ljubavne price volim te

ljubavne price volim te
Zauvek ne postoji, ali postoje ljudi koji su za uvek.
Nikad nemoj odustati od nekoga ako ne mo?e pro?i ni dan, a da ne pomisli? na njega.
Rekla je: ?Daj mi ?ifru od fejsa ili raskidamo? - I ja joj dam ?ifru, mo?da je ljubomorna. Kad ono riba lajkuje sama sebi statuse. :D
I said I love you and you said it too, the only difference was that I didn't lie to you.
If you want me, fight for me
In order to find a good guy you have to stop letting all the bad ones treat you like shit.
Just take a deep breathe. It's just a bad day. Not a bad life.
Love isn't about being sexually attracted. That's lust. It's about actually caring about someone
Never mistake sex for love.
People who are meant to be together will always find their way back..

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