poezija ljubavna

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poezija ljubavna

poezija ljubavna
Svi smo neciji oziljci. Svesno ili nesvesno..
- Mama šta bi ti da mene neko kidnapuje? - Ne brinem se, vratit će te. :$
Navikao si da uzimaš i daješ - materijalno. Čoveče, ljubav se ne uzima, ne otima, ne kupuje, ne prosi. Ima je ili nema.
I need to stop thinking about you, because I know you're not thinking about me
If you like her, go tell her.. Before someone else gets her.
I'm single by choice..... just not my choice.
Jealousy is normal in a relationship, it shows someone doesn't want to lose you.
Love is not only blind but stupid :(
My worst fear is losing my mom.
One of the hardest things in life is figuring out the difference between friendship and love.

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