ljubavne igre

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ljubavne igre

ljubavne igre
Nije sve u njemu ali on je u svemu..
Braniti neki stav u trenutku kada Vas niko ni ne napada, to je ništa.
Zna se koja vrsta priča počinje sa: bilo jednom. Ne hvala, već izvesno vreme ne verujem u bajke. Balašević
I miss how happy I used to be when I was a little kid.
If they don't respect, appreciate, and value you... then they don't deserve you.
I'm not a photographer, but I can picture us together...
It's not that I dont believe in love, I am just terrified that it doesn't believe in me.
Love is a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs, but the ride is what you make of it.
Missing you is becoming a habit.
Not talking to you kills me.

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