ljubavne priče

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ljubavne priče

ljubavne priče
Ma daj priznaj nikad me nisi voljela.
Hiljadu ćeš tuđih reči jednom poželeti da menjaš za minut moje tišine.
Žena nikada ne gubi u svojoj boli. Ona samo nauči voleti sebe i postane ravnodušna, gorka po svakog sledećeg.
I miss talking to you every day.
If two people really love each other, then they'll find a way to be together.
I'm not always perfect but I'm me.
Its OK to cry if you are in pain. Remember tears are prayers too. They travel to GOD when we can't speak.
Love is about growing together as a couple, learning about each other, and not giving up.
Most relationships fail not because the absence of love, but because girls love too much and boys care too less.
Nothing sounds better than a midnight picnic under the stars with you.

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