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Al uvek ćemo potajno želeti jedno drugo.
Uvek okrenem glavu dok neko kuca šifru ...ono kao, mene to ne zanima. :D
Najviše boli onaj osmeh kad se setiš nečeg lepog, nečeg što se vratiti neće, nečeg što više nikada nećeš doživeti.
I miss you but I don't want you back.
If you carry bricks from your past relationships to the new one you will build the same house....
I'm not upset that you lied to me. I'm upset because from now on, I can't trust you.
It's the small, stupid, cute conversations we have that make me fall harder and harder.
Love is just love, it can never be explained
My first thought in the morning is always you
Once you have true feelings for someone, it will always be there. You may not like them anymore, but you still care.

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