tuzne ljubavne slike

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tuzne ljubavne slike

tuzne ljubavne slike
Nedostajes mi u nocima kao sto je ova.
Onaj osećaj kada pola tebe veruje, a druga polovina zna da je nemoguće.
Prestani se vezati za ljude prebrzo, jer vezanje dovodi do očekivanja, a očekivanje često vodi do razočarenja.
I miss the time when I actually meant something to you.
If you are brave to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.
I'm not jealous, I just don't wanna lose you.
It's sad how quick people can just forget about you, until they want something from you...
Love is blind, but can enhance the colors of the world around you.
My attitude depends on how you treat me.
Nowadays, legs spread quicker than rumors. Be classy and he'll notice you :)

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